At last night’s Board of Supervisors Business Meeting, Staff recommended and announced to the Board they will be proceeding with a Memorandum Of Agreement (MOA) with All Points Broadband to partner on a VATI grant application this fall.
After consulting with DHCD (the Office that oversees the VATI grant program) and considering information collected through the RFI, county staff concluded “APB presents the largest potential service area and brings a track record of successful VATI applications.”
LBA founders and volunteers, along with others who called in, spoke during the public input session in a unified voice on the continued and ever growing importance of broadband in our lives. LBA co-founder and president, Kevin Noll, discussed how lack of broadband has affected businesses like Bear Chase Brewing and Wegmeyer Farms due to their inability to process sales transactions. LBA Co-founder, Seb Cantone, also addressed the Board, encouraging the County and All Points Broadband to work together to negotiate terms “…in the best interest of all parties and especially the residents of Loudoun County.” He went on to say that residents regularly express to LBA their concerns about quality of service, consumer protections and pricing.
Staff addressed questions from the Board on a possible $4 million co-funding move to ensure a more competitive VATI application and presented possible funding sources should the Board decide to move in that direction. One potential funding sources is the American Rescue Plan which considers broadband an eligible expense. LBA’s research shows that Loudoun County is projected to receive an estimated $80 million through ARPA with guidance coming from the U.S. Treasury Department later this year on how to allocate funds received. Staff said they would present funding options to the Board at a later date once their research is completed and while the County is awaiting ARPA funding guidance.
In their closing statements regarding this item, Supervisors Kershner and Chair Randall echoed the importance of Broadband for equity, public safety and everyday needs. Chair Randall further stated that broadband is and should be considered a utility considering how important it is for everyone. Supervisor Buffington supported the move by Staff but also mentioned he would oppose any exclusivity and would like to see protections and favorable pricing for residents in the county.